Monday, February 11, 2008

Growing Up Fast

Before beginning, let me say that while I was waiting for the 2 minute page upload, I glanced over what I wrote last week. For someone who is currently teaching English, there were definitely a few spelling and word errors that leave me quite embarrassed, all I can say is its quite a task on the internet here. Whenever Kami and I make it to town, we have about 1 hour to email everyone we need to and its like a race against the clock blinking down in front of us. So we just write like the wind and hope its readable.
Normally in life, a marriage and some time happens before you begin raising a full family and working a full time job. Kami and I have laughed a lot this week because without having any idea, this is basically what we got ourselves into here. Sam, the home's founder is 65 now, and has Diabetes and so is restricted in his abilities. We have developed a really good friendship over the last month, and as his trust in us has grown, he has started allocating a lot of the responsibilities of the home into our hands. Actually, the truth is that Kami and I can't stand not working so we both basically jumped in with both feet and now basically raise a family of 21 kids. We wake up early, eat, have a short Bible study with Sam, make sure all the boys have eaten and off to school on time, teach until the afternoon, then come home and make sure they have done their chores. Then there is time to play for a couple of hours before they come in at 6 to start homework. Every night we go over homework with each of them, and then they work on our assignments. Each of the age groups have different assignments everyday that teach them to read and write English better, and for each day they finish all their work, they get a sticker. After they receive 10 stickers they get a prize! After homework its time to light all the lamps, the boys wash (we tell them, "okunaaba!" -"go wash-yourself," check if its done because younger boys never want to wash, and then eat dinner. (This is basically Kami's and my one opportunity for quiet in the day.) After dinner we all meet in the sitting room where we sing and dance, play drums and then say a prayer. We wrestle or play with the kids for a few minutes, get them into bed, hug each one and tell them "Suula Balungi" -"good night" and over the last week we have also telling each one "kagala nnyo" -"i love you." There is no doubt about it, we have fallen in love with these kids. You just can't spend everyday with them, playing, teaching, laying with them when they are sick, planning activities like treasure hunts for them on the weekends, sharing prayers and singing every night and walking home from school to see them all running towards you after a long day, and not fall in love. We are so blessed here. Neither Kami or I knew quite how much these kids would affect us or they way in which they would become our family but it has definitely happened and we are thankful. We miss you guys. Thank-you for your prayers and your support. Chris and Kami

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