Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Answered Prayers...Now Moving Forward

Dorcas Children's Home as a compound and school system has come to an end.
But the mission and family are still together and after many months of uncertainty, are beginning to move forward again.
Sam has officially retired and has rented out the buildings that comprise the compound of Dorcas Children's Home and the kids have been moved to a new location.
Although this is a truly sad event, causing the children to leave behind a place they have seen as a home, they are still together and now have a new beginning. They can once again be supported by us directly and are excited that this move allows them to have unabated contact with us.
If you did not receive the update email listing the events that brought this change, please email one of us and we will send it to you immediately.
This week we are working with Cornerstone to determine the best ways to send support with exact documentation of how its spent, necessities for the kids, getting them back into schools (the Ugandan school year starts in Feb.) and organizing the home's structure. As soon as we have all the details worked out, we will notify all of you who have supported the home and explain the new situation in full and the ways you can keep supporting the kids in their life and education.

It is an answered prayer to have the kids safe and together and out of the conflict some of Sam's actions caused. But it comes with responsibility because once again it is our gift and duty to provide for them. We hope all of you continue to work with us to further their lives.

Stay posted! We love you.

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