Thursday, January 17, 2008

We're in Africa!

Kami and I made it into Kampala, Uganda Wednesday morning. (Tuesday evening for everyone in the states.) Its basically like walking around in a dream. We both keep looking at each other wondering if it is real.
The trip was pretty eventful. Kami had something bad to eat for lunch before we left and as we began taxiing out she starting throwing up. This continued periodically through out the night. Probably about 14 times in all. Lets just say all of the flight attendants knew us really well. (Sub thought: British people are really nice, and they use great words like cheers even when someone is sick.) Don't worry moms, she is fine and smiling. They gave her a first class sleeping seat and she slept the rest of the morning away. We found a place to sleep in the London airport and both slept for 5 hrs until we boarded our plane that evening. Since we slept all afternoon, I couldn't sleep the entire flight, but it paid off because at 5 AM I opened my window shade and saw the outline of the sunrise begining. There was no clouds and no obstructions as far as I could see and for the next hour I watched the sun rise over Africa. It was unreal! The sun really does look burnt red when it rises here. As it starting unrolling over the land, I saw the Nile river below us, and just like the light, it was so expanisive I couldn't see where it ended. We landed at 8:40 in the morning and drove through Entebbe, the outskirts of Kampals, then the city itself and finally through the last road toward the home.
When we got to the road leading to the home, we got out of the car to find all the of children and the kids from the surrounding village there to meet us with drums and other instruments. 3 or 4 kids, probably around 6-8 years old grabbed Kami and my hands and like a marching band, we walked up the hill to the home. Pretty dang cool welcome.
We're in an interet cafe and I don't have many minutes so I have to wrap this up, but we're both healthy and so excited to get to work. We've settled in, Kami and I have our own house that more workers will come to join as the summer comes around. Its freshly built and pretty comfortable.
Last night since the eveving was 3 in the afternoon in Portland, Kami and I both couldn't sleep so we sat up all night eating licorice we brought with us and reading a really good book back and forth.
We're definitely going to sleep tonight! The kids are great. The surrounding village is warm and welcoming and we're set to get to get to start teaching and helping in the clinic. When we found some more time, we will upload pics and maybe some video.
We love you guys. We're so thankful for the support from all of you. Peace.


RoniZee said...

Glad you made it safe!

jon zebedee said...

oh dude. this makes me miss you so bad, chris. have a blast!!!! keep us updated. please.