Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another holiday is coming to a close. This one was pretty long and with the time being the same back home, it feels like we are ending summer...when instead we are now heading into the 3rd and final school term. By now, Kami and I are seasoned teachers...which means very little...and the kids are set in their school routine for the year. This week will be there first back. Some of the older kids who have hard tests at the end of the year are pretty nervous (Meme in P7 getting ready for High school, and Muhammad in S.6 getting ready to graduate) Yet, it really does feel like the end of summer. So much happened during this holiday. The wedding with all its guests. Joe working witht the kids and heading back for school. Kevin Dyne coming to stay and work with the kids. And of course Laura...who came for the last month and was gracious closer. Joe came and helped more than Kami and I ever could have believed, teaching, bringing music, and helping on every area of need the home had including taking every bit of slack in my absense during my trip home. Kevin came in for several weeks and spent time the kids, helped paint and contributed to the home in the same gentle, quiet support he offers everywhere he goes. Laura came in and decided she was going to do in a month as much as anyone else would do in 6. With her help, we completely re-designed and re-built our library turning it into a cold, dark room, into the brightest, most welcoming room in the complex, with books in order, a blue carpet, bright colored walls, painting the kids got to help on, stools, and a table. Its a perfect place to do homework this next term and the kids love it. (This computer is incredibly slow, but we will have pictures up within a few days.) She also took all the kids swimming, which was an out of this world experience, since some had never been around water, let alone swam in it. She re-organized Kami's and my room, taught the kids how to paint, taught gutair lessons like Joe, helped in the kitchen, supported Kami in a million girl things I don't know about including someone of the same sex just to talk to. And, if none of this was not enough, with her help she organized a paint project each of the kids got to contribute to. The picture is two bannana trees, cut into 25 squares, each painted individually showing the kids' personalities...which is now being sent to New York for a benefit art show to raise money for the home.
And so the home keeps moving. Kami and I continually thank God for what he does through this home, and who he brings here. In this one holiday alone, several massive projects have begun, Joe brought new life, Kevin came and helped, Laura opened her heart and pulled everyone along with it, we had hardship, a broken borehole, a head-on collision in the car, lack of money, found money, so many sponsors shower me with support when I returned, and send boxes of supplies for Kami and the kids, pictures, new lessons, new friendships...and so much more.
We are so blessed to be apart of this work. The kids are thankful everyday for the food, the activities, the lessons and companionship. They are held, read to, loved and played with.
And none of it would be possible without your continual support. So, always, thank you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris,

I met you on a rather small boat on a rather choppy river in Jinja a few weeks ago.. I think we forgot to take your surname but since I got back to England I have done nothing apart from eat and watch TV, so have searched around for you on cyberspace and here you are!

Amazing to see what you have been doing, looks really good work. Gabby and I had a good trip and made it safely back home, will facebook you soon, (African time)


tabitha jane said...
