Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The long, but important update.

After a few months of work without full disclosure Kami and I thought it was about time to divulge our future plans both for our lives and for the sustainment of this home.
When we first came, we both had dedicated 1 year, hoping to help those who need love and gain understanding on what Christ's asks each of us to do. We both had plans for after our time here, but quite a few things have changed for us in the last months.
Right now, our minds are focused on two things; the love we have found in working with these children and the long term sustainment of the home to continue this work for many more who will need help in the future.
We have seen God work actively, opening up doorways for us in all levels of the Ugandan government including the educational, financial, and immigration depts, as well as in the states with many individual people, churches, as well as groups like Blue Earth Farms wanting to get involved with this work. It has gone so much past just this home, but transitioned into us longing to be apart of a movement of people going to the sick, the marginalized and the least of these in the world.
Our place, for now, we feel is here working in this capacity.
Our primary purpose is to stay until the home is sustainable on all ends including financially, agriculturally, structurally, and in directorship, with Sam needing to retire.
So here is where we are:

Kami and I both have been planning on returning in January. Unfortunately, her flight could not be changed so she will now be returning in Dec. while I return in Jan. However sad this makes her (she definitely shed quite a few tears to have to leave the kids so early) it actually is a blessing because of what we are currently working on...

For everyone who doesn't know...we have begun planning a music tour for next year. Understandably, the idea to most seems incredibly naïve, and far too massive of an undertaking for us (and we did share this thought while it was still in conceptional form,) but let us explain:
Kami and I have been running the accounts of the home this year, and been going over the home's budget through out the years before we came. Currently, caring directly or educationally for over 50 children through the home in Kampala and the one in Kunungu village, with three schools, over 20 workers to keep them all going, and the constant everyday needs that come with raising children, the home needs around $3,000 USD. Through individual sponsorship and self-sustaining projects in place, we are receiving just over $1000 USD each month. We see two things from this. For us to only begin to understand the situation months before we left, and through word of mouth to have so many of you who support kid's lives join us in the work to bring in that much money each month is a true blessing. And, in light of the deficit each month, rather then dismay, we see it as such a beautiful tribute to the way God carries this home each month. God doesn't make money fall from the sky when his people are in trouble. He answers their prayers through other willing believers (and non believers) who have a heart for those in need. Although so difficult at times, in looking back over the last 9 months Kami and I are both moved to tears when we discuss the random traveler that came, fell in love with the kids and began raising money, for those who came for one night or a few weeks, went directly home and raised money through their church, for long time sponsors who heard about trouble and through one prayer breakfast raised money to meet needs immediately, for college students to bring money, gifts, support and ready-to-work hands to be with us, and then went home and are still working with us in support and planning for the future of the home. The list goes on and on with some people only hearing about the work second hand in another's conversation or address and emailing us to send money, letters,and supplies. Each month, the 2,000 dollar deficit has been met.
The only thing Kami and I have to boast in after the year we have been experiencing is the way God works through the lives of those who devote themselves to him.
This deficit still remains though and will continue to exist as the work moves forward and expands.
We have been praying and wrestling all year with ideas on how to meet this need. If we did return and raise the money for next year, when January came around again, the home would be back in the same situation. And even more, although we are satisfied in the work we are able to do through the home, we are living in a environment of absolute need, with millions more in this country and the ones surrounding it filled with young and old with no hope for life, let alone education. We will never be satisfied, nor should any of us, while we have the ability to help and offer nothing.
Our answer is to share the story with not only hundreds but thousands, and to do so, first hand allowing the kids from these situations, whose lives, smiles and voices sing everyday of hope be apart of affecting their own future through their God-given gifts.
We have sent out letters to many of you explaining the tour in full. If you have not received one, please forgive us, email us and ask for one to know all details.
The quick version is that we are currently working on passports and visas for the kids, as they during every school break and Saturday work with a famous Ugandan composer and songwriter (who luckily is a good friend of Sams') learning traditional African dances, instruments, and drumming. For the first months while at home, Kami and I will be raising the needed funds for plane tickets, and traveling through the country setting up shows through churches, groups, schools, venues and the traveling details between each. (Massive undertaking we know, but after what we have been doing for 9 months, we feel ready to handle anything) The kids will join us in the states during their first holiday break and for 4-6 weeks will tour the country sharing the story of the home, their lives and the many lives still desperately in need. In one month's time, the children will gain information and education that will last them a life-time through staying with invidual families, meeting their sponsors face to face, and coming to new understandings such as seeing there is poverty, homelessness and brokenness in the United States just like everywhere else. (Seeing mountains and snow for the first time, a flushing toilet or the inconceivable idea that we can cook dinner in less the 15 minutes.)
We want to open the eyes of thousands; to have them look at their children, know the life they want for them and to say, “I'm going to do the same for one more that has no hope.” We want people to see either how simple it is to invest in one child's life here by supporting their care and education , or be inspired to join the work themselves whether its here or in raising support or ideas there.
Stories move us. Hope moves us. Changed lives that show both let us see the story of Christ's grace better than through any other lens we know.

If you would like to be apart of the tour, to help in any way or to kindly remark its a horrible idea, please email us.
For now, we are moving forward with it, putting full trust in God for its success or failure. Either way, we are sure he will take care of this home and guide us in our work.

We love you all very much. We miss home from time to time but are so happy in the work.


Jamie said...

wow, I'll be praying about this!

Newness said...

Thanks for the great work you're doing you guys! I'm one of the silent admirers and appreciators just in the neighborhood of the home! Once again thank you and God bless bless bless and bless!